lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Topic 2 - Personality, Perception and Attribution + Attitudes and Values

Key words: Personality, Attribution, Perceptions, Interaction, Pygmalion effect, Interactional Psychology, Theoretical approaches, Expectations,
We have to understand the individual as the origin of every study within the organization, because it is formed by different perceptions, personalities and perspectives.

We start saying that there are perceptions of things, values and tasks, as people within the organization and it depends of their own attitudes, values, ethics and skills. But the constant interaction of those differences, influence the organizational behavior in general (interactional psychology).
The concept of Personality, includes the individual characteristics of the human been, and it is determined by heredity or the personal experiences within a particular context or environment.

We can find many theoretical approaches of personality, but we are going to expose the most applicable in organizational behavior:

*Trait Theory: It assumes that different traits and characteristics of a human been, compose his own personality and his character. This theory proposes 5 types of personalities: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism , Openness

*Psychodynamic Theory: Key Concepts of Freuds Psychodynamic Theory

*Humanistic Theory: Need for self-actualization

*Integrative Approach: Assumes that the personality and their characteristics depend of the combination of individual factors (early years of life) and a set of situational variables.

Perceptions are the ways how the situations are perceived from different perspectives. They are also, the individual’s view of the world, and there are many perceptions as the number of persons in a specific situation. However, within the organization, people have to reach a “purple zone”, where perceptions of all the members of one group may interact and crate outputs.

The interaction and feedback between the perceiver and the target we can find some barriers that can damage the final message and the results of interaction. They could be: Stereotypes, errors, judgments, etc.

The perception principles are:

- Selective perception: People focus their attention in what is important for them the most.

- Stereotypes: They function as generalizations

- First impression error: Last opinions based on initial experiences

- Projection: People tend to overestimate the people who share their own beliefs.

- Self-fulfilling prophecy: Confirm perceiver’s expectations

Attributions refer to the causes of one thing that happen in a specific situation. Attributions might be internal (personality) or external (situation).

“Heider first made the argument that people tend to overweight internal, dispositional causes over external causes—this later became known as the fundamental attribution error (Ross, 1977)”. (Source: Ross, L. (1977). The intuitive psychologist and his shortcomings: Distortions in the attribution process. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 10, pp. 173–220). Orlando, FL: Academic Pre).

ATTITUDES: This concept may be defined as a psychological tendency (positive or negative), related with the perceptions of the individual, and influence the human been behavior. This concept is explained in a better way by the ABC model:

Affects: Emotional part, indicators and feelings

Behavioral intentions: Observed behavior

Cognition: Attitudes lies on personal beliefs and experiences.

Taken from:

The attitudes are formed by direct experiences or social learning (culture, family, others).

In the organizational concern, “It relates to how you feel about your work and your approach towards work. Hence, work attitude behavior is intangible. You cannot see it. Your colleagues cannot see it. But people can feel it”. (“Work Attitude Behavior and Work Behavior Attitude – Are They The Same?”)

VALUES: It is related with HOW YOU SHOULD BEHAVE. Some cultures, groups and organization have their own code of values that may be used as a guide for their components. Instrumental values (Acceptable behaviors to achieve goals) and terminal values (Goals themselves).


1. Please explain, using your own words, the concept of Pygmalion Effect.

Pygmalion effect can be defined as a perceptual tendency, which involves some actors in a specific process that requires a target's performance. This concept means: if the perceptions of one leader or perceiver are positive, then the outputs and results of some task will be positive too, and the target's performance will reach the proposed objectives. 
Those initial perceptions are influenced by internal factors, such as personal experiences, personality and beliefs of the perceiver, but also by external factors related with the context. 

* What are the potential implications, uses, or challenges that this effect may pose for organizations engaging into international operations that require the understanding of diverse cultural contexts? Can you use this concept to explain the relationship between national and organizational cultures?

Within the organization, this concept are focused on managerial tasks, because the managers are considered as the leaders of the organizations, and their perceptions (positive or negative) influece the most, the perceptions of their subordinates or their groups of work.
In the international scope, the are some challenges by the organizations and managers, and they are related with the diversity of cultures, because there are a lot of perceptions and differences in the workplaces today, and the principal challenge for the managers is to coordinate all of them, in order to generate value and create outputs for the company.
"Community development and leadership development are integrally intertwined. A leader cannot develop new leaders and keep them engaged without clear contributions to make to a greater good. A leader cannot have any enduring impact in a community without engaging its people directly in co-leadership in vision, design, and execution of efforts." (Retraining Ourselves in Thought and Action: A Thematic Exploration of Leadership Literature, David T Gortner. Anglican Theological Review. Evanston: Winter 2010, ProQuest database.).
The Pygmalion effect, related with the concept of national culture fits perfectly to explain the variations and the influence of internal and external factor within the organizations, because managers' behaviors and perceptions are influenced by internal perceptions and learnings that he got from their national culture and he makes value adopting those perceptions within the organizations and transfering them to the teamgroup and subordinates. Example: Chinese national culture of building relationships between cooworkers, is adopted at the workplace also, and it allows the target's performance and accomplishment of goals. 

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